How to find your focus and keep it?


You’ve lost your focus? Don’t stress. Take a breath and follow my 5 top tips to regain control of your time

To find happiness you need to be able to get through any situation while keeping your focus on the happy ending. Finding focus and keeping it can be a hard and stressful thing to do. Who can say that they have never been affected by loosing their focus? Here I use the example of beating writer’s block to offer tips on how to keep your focus and defy any blockage that might come your way.

Top tips to
i cant write anymore, braindead
tired FOCUS no ideas
where is my creativity?
and beat writer’s block

1. Focus, close your eyes and visualize what you want your final draft to be
2. Organize your ideas
3. Cut the long fancy words
4. Up, up and away from the computer
5. Style your article with your own twist

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